Celebrating life, walking the long path in harmony with our heartbeat, and exploring the reasons for our existence – like a mighty cedar tree with countless roots that forge connections, we encounter people along our journey.
Inspired by the wisdom of the cedar tree, the dancers of the company SZENE 2WEI bring the themes of joy in life and connection to nature to the stage, expressing them through diverse and dynamic imagery. The dance deepens these themes, incorporating various elements of contemporary dance theater.
Sounds complex? It’s like a root growing all the way to the treetop – a metaphor for the journey between darkness and light, between life and death. ZEDER is more than just a dance piece; it’s an invitation to energize yourself and celebrate the essence of life – together and for one another.
ZEDER is a performance for all ages and stages.
Choreography: William Sánchez H.
Direction SZENE 2WEI: William Sánchez H. und Timo Gmeiner
Dance: Jörg Beese,Fernando Balsera,Ricarda Noetzel,Manuela Aranguibel,Jose Manuel Ortiz, Sonja Marlis Pfennigbauer, Deborah Heim
Music: Collage
Set and Costume: Clément Debras
Stage management: Mercè Mayor
Workshop team: Manuela Aranguibel, Jörg Beese, Sonja Marlis Pfennigbauer
Pictures: Simon Wachter
Video: Anne-Hélène Kotoujansky