"Clean is beautiful. Clean is absence. Clean is nothing. Clean doesn’t smell. Clean doesn’t bother. Clean isn’t enough".
We scrub, clean, and disinfect until nothing is left. We control the bacteria. We get our hands dirty for you. We take care of everything here when you’re suffering from illnesses and antibiotics have become ineffective. The last will be the first.
Bring on the new tasks! We take responsibility. We remember everything that was. We are those who were, who are, and who will come. Who’s really cleaning up whom here?
You need us, and we need you! Let’s clean up together: sweeping up the visible and invisible remnants. Come on, we’re in a hurry! It’s time to begin. Here it is: Finale Furioso. Someone has to clean the toilets!
A production of monsun.theater in collaboration with SZENE 2WEI and beWEGEnd e.V., supported by the Project Fund for Culture & Schools, the Ministry of Culture and Media Hamburg, Aktion Mensch, and the Ilse and Dr. Horst Rusch Foundation.
Manuela Aranguibel
Fernando Balsera
Jörg Beese
Ricarda Noetzel
Sonja Marlis Pfennigbauer
José Manuel Ortiz
Concept & Direction
Francoise Hüsges
Concept & Choreography
William Sánchez H.
Shadi Kassaee
Lara Hüsges
DJ José Manuel Ortiz
Lighting & Technology
Kianosh Momo Kinz
Mercè Mayor
Emma Brillowski
G2 Baraniak
Martin Hüsges